

AGOA Status

Ghana is eligible for AGOA this year. It also qualifies for textile and apparel benefits.

Trade Agreements

The U.S. and Ghana signed a Trade & Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA) in 1999. The fifth U.S.-Ghanaian TIFA Council Meeting was held in January 2008. Later that year, the United States and Mauritius launched bilateral investment treaty negotiations. That year, the U.S. and Ghana also opened exploratory discussions on the possibility of negotiating a bilateral investment treaty (BIT).

Ghana Trade Summary

U.S. total goods trade with Ghana were $2.1 billion in 2024. U.S. goods exports to Ghana in 2024 were $967.3 million, up 12.3 percent ($106.3 million) from 2023. U.S. goods imports from Ghana in 2024 were $1.2 billion, down 28.0 percent ($455.2 million) from 2023. The U.S. goods trade deficit with Ghana was $204.4 million in 2024, a 73.3 percent increase ($561.5 million) over 2023.