Many of USTR's senior officials are lawyers and economists with extensive backgrounds in trade law. The senior staff includes about 30 key officials appointed by the U.S. Trade Representative who supervise trade negotiations, monitor trade disputes, enforce laws, and keep a constant flow of communication with Congress, industry, nongovernmental organizations and the public on U.S. trade policy.
United States Trade Representative
Deputy United States Trade Representative and Chief of Mission, Geneva
Chief Agricultural Negotiator
Acting Chief of Staff and Senior Advisor
Jamila Thompson
Acting General Counsel
Juan A. Millán
Senior Advisor
Elizabeth Baltzan
Senior Advisor
Cara Morrow
Chief Textiles and Apparel Negotiator
Katherine White
Deputy Executive Secretary
Will Shih
Other Senior Officials and Assistant U. S. Trade Representatives (AUSTR)
Laurie-Ann Agama, AUSTR for Economic Affairs
Fred Ames, AUSTR for Administration
Neil Beck, AUSTR for WTO and Multilateral Affairs (Acting)
David Bisbee, AUSTR and Deputy Chief of Mission, Geneva
Laura Buffo, AUSTR for Trade Policy Coordination (Acting)
Julie Callahan, AUSTR for Agricultural Affairs and Commodity Policy
Sushan Demirjian, AUSTR for Small Business, Market Access, and Industrial Competitiveness
Sarah Ellerman, AUSTR for Southeast Asia and the Pacific
Constance Hamilton, AUSTR for Africa
Daniel Lee, AUSTR for Innovation and Intellectual Property
Brendan Lynch AUSTR for South and Central Asia
Katy Mastman, AUSTR for Labor Affairs (Acting)
Dan McCarthy, AUSTR for Congressional Affairs
Terrence J. McCartin, AUSTR for China, Mongolia and Taiwan Affairs
Kelly Milton, AUSTR for Environment & Natural Resources
Kenneth Schagrin, AUSTR for Services and Investment
Roberto Soberanis, AUSTR for Intergovernmental Affairs and Public Engagement
Bryant Trick, AUSTR for Europe and the Middle East
Daniel Watson, AUSTR for the Western Hemisphere
Christopher Wilson, AUSTR Japan, Korea, and APEC Affairs