On March 7, 2024, the Office of the United States Trade Representative issued a Federal Register notice inviting comments to inform objectives and strategies that advance U.S. supply chain resilience in trade negotiations, enforcement, and other initiatives. The public comment period closed on June 4, 2024, and submitted written comments and requests to testify at the public hearings are available here: Docket USTR-2024-0002.
On January 7, 2025, USTR published a series of six policy papers on trade and investment policy initiatives that promote supply chain resilience.
Policy Paper Series
Federal Register Notices
- March 7, 2024: Federal Register Notice Requesting Comments on Promoting Supply Chain Resilience
- April 3, 2024: Federal Register Notice Announcing Additional Public Hearings and Extension of Post-Hearing Comment Period
Key Dates
- April 12, 2024: Due date for requests to testify at hearing beginning May 2, 2024 at the International Trade Commission
- April 22, 2024: Due date for written comments
- April 24, 2024: Due date for requests to testify at the additional public hearings (Minnesota, virtual, New York)
- May 2-3, 2024: Public hearing begins at 10 AM in the main hearing room of the U.S. International Trade Commission, 500 E Street SW, Washington, DC 20436
- May 14, 2024: Public hearing begins at 10 AM at the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development, Great Northern Building, Jerome Hill Auditorium, 180 East Fifth Street, St. Paul, MN 55101
- May 23, 2024: Virtual public hearing begins at 10 AM
- May 28, 2024: Public hearing begins at 10 AM at the Ted Weiss Federal Office Building, 30th Floor Conference Center, Conference Room 2, 290 Broadway, New York, NY 10007
- June 4, 2024: Due date for post-hearing written comments in response to testimony provided at any of the four public hearings
- Washington, DC, Hearing (May 2-3, 2024): Schedule; Summary; Transcript (May 2); Transcript (May 3)
- St. Paul, MN, Hearing (May 14, 2024): Schedule; Summary; Transcript
- Virtual Hearing (May 23, 2024): Schedule; Summary; Transcript
- New York, NY, Hearing (May 28, 2024): Schedule; Summary; Transcript