Taking into account public and stakeholder input, USTR's Office of Environment and Natural Resources (ENR) is responsible for negotiating and monitoring compliance with the environment chapters in all bilateral Free Trade Agreements (FTAs). Existing environment chapters include obligations such as effective enforcement of environmental laws, not weakening environmental protections in order to encourage increased trade or investment, domestic procedural protections, and promotion of public participation in environmental matters. The most recent, ground-breaking U.S.-Canada-Mexico Agreement additionally includes first-ever U.S. FTA enforceable commitments to combat illegal fishing and wildlife trafficking, promote sustainable fishing practices and marine conservation, and address other pressing environmental issues such as air quality and marine litter.
The Environment chapters of all existing U.S. FTAs are below.
Free Trade Agreements and the Environment
Australia Free Trade Agreement
Bahrain Free Trade Agreement
Joint Communique of the Fourteenth Meeting of the Environmental Affairs Council / Environment Chapter Agreement Text
Chile FTA
Colombia Trade Promotion Agreement
Jordan Free Trade Agreement
Korea (KORUS)
Morocco Free Trade Agreement
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
Oman Free Trade Agreement
Panama Trade Promotion Agreement
Peru Trade Promotion Agreement (PTPA)
Singapore Free Trade Agreement
United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA)