Washington, DC – U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer today issued the following statement regarding the Joint Statement on Electronic Commerce agreed to and issued by 76 World Trade Organization (WTO) Members, including the United States, on the margins of the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos, Switzerland:
“The United States is pleased that the initial exploratory work on digital trade issues at the WTO in 2018 was productive. The digital economy is a powerful force for global economic growth. The United States is committed to seeking a high-standard agreement that creates strong, market-based rules in this area and reduces the barriers around the world that threaten to undermine the growth of the digital economy, including restrictions on cross-border data flows and data localization requirements. The United States strongly believes that to be successful these talks must lead to an ambitious, high-standard agreement that is enforceable and has the same obligations for all participants.”
Text of Joint Statement on Electronic Commerce