
Readout of Ambassador Katherine Tai’s Meeting With Peru’s Minister of Foreign Trade and Tourism Elizabeth Galdo Marín

May 17, 2024

AREQUIPA, PERU – United States Trade Representative Katherine Tai today met with Peru’s Minister of Foreign Trade and Tourism, Elizabeth Galdo Marín, on the margins of the joint meeting of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Ministers Responsible for Trade (MRT) and Ministers Responsible for Women.

Ambassador Tai expressed the United States’ appreciation of Peru’s efforts as APEC’s 2024 host economy, noting in particular the emphasis Peru is devoting to inclusive trade. The Ambassador offered special appreciation for Peru’s initiative, in connection with this year’s MRT meeting, to organize a joint meeting of ministers for trade and ministers for women’s affairs, which convened immediately following the meeting with Minister Galdo.

Ambassador Tai also took the opportunity to take note of the 15th anniversary of the U.S.-Peru Trade Promotion Agreement (PTPA) this year, and to thank Peru for hosting the sixth meeting of the PTPA Free Trade Commission earlier this year. Ambassador Tai noted ongoing concerns with recent amendments to Peru’s Wildlife and Forestry Law, and emphasized the importance the United States attaches to the environmental provisions of the PTPA. Ambassador Tai also recognized Peru for working together on strengthening labor priorities bilaterally and regionally through the Americas Partnership for Economic Prosperity. 

Ambassador Tai and Minister Galdo agreed to remain in contact through the year on bilateral issues, through the continuation of Peru’s APEC host year, and in the context of the Americas Partnership for Economic Prosperity (APEP).
