Ambassador Miriam Sapiro
Deputy United States Trade Representative
O c t o b e r 1 , 2 0 1 1
**As Prepared For Delivery**
“I am deeply honored to sign the Agreement today on behalf of the United States. I would like to thank the Government of Japan for hosting this important signing ceremony.
“We are grateful for the close working relationship we have forged with Japan from the earliest days of the ACTA effort, and with every other government represented here today. The presence of all eleven of the ACTA negotiating partners is a clear testament to our common commitment to the principles enshrined in the Agreement.
“ACTA is a ground-breaking achievement that holds the promise of greatly improving the enforcement of intellectual property rights around the world. ACTA’s provisions will enhance cooperation and strengthen the legal framework for enforcement in each signatory. Stronger enforcement and cooperation are important priorities for President Obama and the United States. Intellectual property rights support millions of jobs in America’s innovative and creative industries and many more throughout the world.
“As with many of the challenges we face in today’s global economy, no government can single-handedly eliminate the problem of global counterfeiting and piracy. Signing this Agreement is therefore an act of shared leadership and determination in the international fight against intellectual property theft.
“I would like to thank all our partners for their hard work that has brought us to this significant turning point. The United States is pleased to see ACTA signed and on its way toward entry into force. Since ACTA is consistent with United States law and does not require further legislation on our part, we anticipate depositing our instrument of acceptance without delay.
“And, together with our ACTA partners, we look forward to welcoming new partners to the Agreement in the future. Thank you.”