
Media Advisory for the 2024 U.S.-sub-Saharan Africa Trade and Economic Cooperation African Growth and Opportunity Act Forum (AGOA Forum)

July 19, 2024

Background: The Office of the United States Trade Representative will lead the 2024 U.S.- sub-Saharan Africa Trade and Economic Cooperation African Growth and Opportunity Act Forum (AGOA Forum) in Washington, D.C. from July 24 to 26, 2024.
Convening under the theme “Beyond 2025: Reimagining AGOA for an Inclusive, Sustainable and Prosperous Tomorrow,” the AGOA Forum will bring together senior government officials from across the United States government and AGOA-eligible countries, and representatives from key regional economic organizations, labor, civil society, and the private sector.
Throughout the Forum, participants will discuss how to promote resilient, sustainable, and inclusive economic growth and development through the trade and investment ties between the United States and sub-Saharan Africa.  The Forum is also an opportunity to discuss modernization of the AGOA program to make it more responsive to today’s global economy.
AGOA provides eligible sub-Saharan African countries with duty-free access to the U.S. market for over 1,800 products, in addition to the more than 5,000 products that are eligible under the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) program.
Since its enactment in 2000, AGOA has been the cornerstone of U.S. economic policy and commercial engagement with Africa.  It enables economic growth across sub-Saharan Africa by increasing the competitiveness of African products, diversifying African exports, and enabling the creation of tens of thousands of new, quality jobs in Africa, while fostering a more competitive environment for U.S. businesses operating in sub-Saharan Africa.
Media Access and Coverage Opportunities
Media representatives may attend the AGOA Forum’s Ministerial Opening Session (July 25, 9:00 a.m. ET; Remarks by U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai, U.S. Department of State Under Secretary José W. Fernandez, U.S. Department of State Deputy Assistant Secretary Joy Basu, African Union Commissioner for Trade and Industry H.E. Albert M. Muchanga, and South African Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition H.E. Parks Tau) and its Closing Session (July 26, 12:45 p.m. ET; Remarks by Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for Africa Constance Hamilton, U.S. Department of Treasury Deputy Secretary Wally Adeyemo, and African Union Commissioner for Trade and Industry H.E. Albert Muchanga) at the U.S. Department of State upon presentation of one of the following: (1) a U.S. Government-issued photo media credential (e.g., Department of State, White House, Congress, Department of Defense or Foreign Press Center), or (2) an official photo identification card issued by their news organization, or (3) a letter from their employer on official letterhead verifying their current employment as a journalist.  Additionally, they must present an official government photo identification card (i.e., U.S. driver’s license or passport).
Please register your interest in covering one or both sessions to
Call time for the Opening Session on July 25 is 8:30 a.m. ET from the 23rd Street entrance of the State Department for all media.
Call time for the Closing Session on July 26 is 12:15 p.m. ET from the 23rd Street entrance of the State Department for all media.
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