
Statement from Ambassador Katherine Tai Celebrating Arab American Heritage Month

April 01, 2024

The Arab American story is deeply woven into the fabric of our nation. For generations, Arab Americans have made immeasurable contributions to our society—in the arts and sciences, in business and innovation, in faith communities and academia, and in medicine and the military. More importantly, Arab Americans exemplify the very best of the American spirit, that of devotion, patriotism, and kindness.
Karam and dhiyafah are Arabic words for generosity and hospitality. Together, they entail treating your guests with the utmost respect, generosity, and honor.
Unfortunately, too many Arab Americans still face the opposite—bigotry, violence, and hate. Our “land of the free” must be one for all Americans, regardless of race or creed. We are not perfect, but we are not afraid to—and will not stop to—change for the better.
This is also true in the way we do trade. We know that too many communities, including Arab Americans, have been overlooked and underserved in the past. This is why our Administration is doing trade differently, for fairer, more equitable results. Your stories and voices will help shape U.S. trade policy going forward, because my office represents the entirety of this country, across all parts of our economy.
This month is a celebration of our Arab American friends and neighbors—of our unabashed diversity and our unquestionable unity. I will always stand with you, and we will write the next chapter of our great tale, together. You are what makes this country great, and I am honored to serve you. Let us all bring a little more karam and dhiyafah into everything we do.

