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Assistant U. S. Trade Representative Cutler Meets with Korean Journalists to Discuss the U.S.-Korea Trade Agreement

On Wednesday, Assistant United States Trade Representative for Japan, Korea and Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Affairs Wendy Cutler met with a group of visiting Korean journalists here at USTR. Ms. Cutler was the chief negotiator of the recently implemented U.S.-Korea Trade Agreement, the first U.S. trade agreement with a North Asian country. During the meeting, Ms. Cutler lauded the close working relations between the two countries that made the groundbreaking agreement possible and said that it is being implemented smoothly. She described successful meetings of the various joint committees that are helping to ensure implementation continues to go as planned. She also emphasized the mutual benefits the trade agreement provides, especially for U.S. and Korean small businesses. Two-way trade has already increased since implementation this March, a trend that is expected to continue as the agreement reaches its full potential.

AUSTR Wendy Cutler Speaks with Korean Journalists
Assistant USTR for Japan, Korea & APEC affairs Wendy Cutler Meets with a Group of Visiting
Korean Journalists at USTR.

The journalists are participating in “Bridging the Gaps in Understanding between Korea and the United States,” a two-week exchange program that has brought seven Korean journalists to the U.S. to meet with leaders in business, government, non-governmental organizations, and other members of the community. Seven U.S. journalists are currently on a similar tour through South Korea. The goal of this program is to promote awareness of the political, economic, security, cultural and social issues of each country.