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Ambassador Marantis Visits Chennai, India to Discuss Innovation and Bilateral Trade

Deputy U.S. Trade Representative Demetrios Marantis spent the third day of his trip to India in the southern city of Chennai – the country's fourth largest city. Chennai is home to a large number of successful information and communications technology (ICT) companies that play a key role in trade and investment between the United States and India. In fact, the U.S. Consulate in Chennai issues more temporary professional work visas than any other U.S. post abroad, largely due to ICT professionals. As such, Chennai provided a unique setting for Ambassador Marantis to address ways to use innovation and the ICT sector to facilitate U.S.-India trade with Indian government officials, U.S. and Indian business leaders, and civil society stakeholders.

Ambassador Marantis met with the Honorable P. Thangamani, Industries Minister of the State of Tamil Nadu; the two officials identified fruitful areas of economic cooperation for both governments to pursue. Ambassador Marantis also met with U.S. and Tamil Nadu business leaders to solicit input on what actions the U.S. and India could take to remove obstacles to increased trade and investment.

ADM Students
Deputy U.S. Trade Representative Demetrios Marantis joined students from various Chennai universities
in a discussion on innovation and U.S.-India trade and investment.

Ambassador Marantis delivered keynote remarks to Chennai-based students on innovation, and the central role that it plays in U.S.-India bilateral trade. He touched on the types of open, market-based, pro-competitive policies that help nurture and encourage innovation. On Monday, Ambassador Marantis will meet with his new Indian counterpart, Commerce Secretary Rao, as well as Foreign Secretary Mathai, to discuss steps to be taken to strengthen the U.S.-India trade and investment relationship.

Ambassador Marantis's remarks to the students can be found here.