In anticipation of a successful Doha Round, the United States is
working actively to promote more effective Aid for Trade practices, including
enhancement of the Integrated Framework, a multi-donor group that helps the
least developed countries improve participation in the global trading system.
The United States is the largest single-country provider of trade-related
assistance, which includes trade-related physical infrastructure, totaling $1.34
billion in FY2005, up 46 percent from ($921 million) in FY2004 (more than double
than FY2001). The United States is the largest single country donor of TCB assistance, spending in 2001-2005 over $4.2 billion in grants. The United States announced in December 2005 plans to more than double its contributions to global Aid for
Trade, from $1.3 billion in 2005 to $2.7 billion in grants annually by 2010, meaning that cumulative U.S. government spending on Aid for Trade will more than double over the next five years. |